Mavin artiste, Iyanya, is known for his ever sexy self and of course beautiful singing style. The talented act, in a new interview with Sunday Scoop, opened up o his music, Mavin and more. Read interview below: Why did you decide to join Mavin Records instead of setting up your own company like many other artistes? I refuse to do the normal thing and that’s why I joined Mavin Records. At that point, my problem was not a label because I had just left one. I wanted to be in a place where I could focus on music for a couple of years before I run a label. I’m not in a rush. For the people out there saying they thought I would start my own label, I’m sure most of them cannot run a company on their own. What has been your experience with Mavin Records? I have no regret. We’ve just been working and having good times. I’m so blessed and honoured to be working with Don Jazzy. I’ve actually learnt a lot. Why did you leave MMMG because many thought you’re a co-owner? Yes, I was a co-owner. But I left MMMG because my contract was over and there were no plans to renew. We knew that after that contract, everyone would go their different ways. So you mean you didn’t quarrel with Ubi Franklin? Why should we quarrel? Everybody has issues and that includes Ubi and me. But we didn’t break up because we fell apart. It was just time for me to leave. What are the challenges that artistes who try to run their own labels face? Music is spiritual and you have to be in the realm to do it. Every time you try to do other things, you forget the music and music forgets you too. Some people would say they’re running labels but they end up doing better than the artistes they sign. That’s because the artiste/owner is focusing on himself and trying to get better. You headlined the African Business Conference at Georgetown University, what was that experience like? It was a blessing being there with great minds and sharing knowledge. I thank my management company, Temple, for making that happen. I learnt a lot from that experience. Would you say that your music has changed over time? If you listen to the last two songs I released, you would know that there’s a new and better version of Iyanya. Which of your songs is the most memorable for you? Kukere. After that song, I’m usually not bothered about what people say about my songs because nobody liked Kukere initially. Everybody who listened to it didn’t think it would be a hit song but it went on to become one of my biggest songs. Were you tempted to give up after your first album didn’t do so well? That was also the time I lost my parents, so I was down. But the loss of my parents spurred me on and I was determined to make their memory proud. It was the grace of God and music that kept me through that period. What would you say are some of the most enduring lessons you learnt at the Project Fame academy? How to use the stage and the microphone. I also learnt how to connect with the crowd. Some followers on social media could go overboard, have you ever been tempted to lash back? Of course, when I’m in that mood. But these days, the block button makes things very easy. I wouldn’t block people who offer constructive criticism but I don’t waste time in blocking noisemakers. Can you recall the nastiest comment anybody has made about you? Somebody said that I used my family for rituals. And that was the day I decided to start blocking people. What’s the greatest sacrifice you’ve ever had to make for your music career? When I won Project Fame, everybody thought I was living large but for two years after that, I was practically living out of my car and hotels. Nobody should think that the guys on TV have it so easy. There were times I’d return from shows and wouldn’t have money to rent hotel rooms. It was also hard for me when I didn’t have heavy party songs. Was Kukere a deliberate strategy or an accident? When I met D’tunes, I liked his sound. The first day I saw him, before we even sta
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